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Fasting has been around since time immemorial – a religious practice backed with many scientific reasons.Over the years, we have managed to distance ourselves increasingly from nature and our natural rhythm. And we’re now paying the high price in the form of physical and psychological imbalances. Fasting represents a highly effective method of finding our way back to our equilibrium and complete health.
Benefits of Fasting –
- Improved Immunity
- Abundant energy to channelise towards better living or spiritual growth
- Cure chronic conditions and metabolic disorders
- Prevent several diseases
- Internalise the mind to understand the purpose and values of life
- Achieve ideal weight
What happens during fasting?To understand how fasting works, we must first understand how Prana/ life force works. Life energy regulates all our physiological and psychological functions.
If we break a bone, we put a plaster to keep the bones stable. But what is the power that joins the bones back together? It’s our life-force.
It’s the healing energy within us. We draw life-force or Pranic Shakthi from food, air and universal fields.
Did you know that digestion consumes up to 80% life-force? Now, if we keep directing the life energy to digestion all the time, it cannot HEAL! That’s why we need to give a break to our digestion process once in a while and channelise the life-force to go to the depths of every organ, tissue and cell to cleanse and push out all the toxins.
Depending on the amount of toxins present, one may experience symptoms like headache, cold, cough, fever, white coated tongue and nausea. But nothing to panic. During fasting, it’s advisable to do pranayama and meditation for better detox.
How to do fasting?
Fasting can be divided into 3 kinds:
- Full Fasting
This method is to be observed by people having issues due to their body weight and are suffering from Diarrhoea. It can be practised once a week.
Note- A spoon of lemon juice in water with little honey to be taken 3-5 times a day. For diarrhoea and indigestion, lemon juice and water mixed with a few drops of ginger juice will be helpful. However, those having piles must not consume ginger; it will aggravate the piles.
- Partial Fasting
Partial fasting is good for the people suffering from bloating/vayu related issues. Only one meal limited to the normal digestion should be taken. Other two times, liquids such as fruit juice or herbal tea with or without little milk should be taken.Note- People with gastritis and ulcers should not be empty at any time. The recommendation is to take half or one third or less food for all three meals, so as to make the digestion easy. Otherwise, gas will be formed and it will worsen the condition. Vegetable juices are highly recommended as they are alkaline in nature- will help neutralise the acidity.
How to break the fasting?Knowing how to break the fast is more important than knowing how to fast!
- Break with the fasting with tender coconut juice or any fruit.
- Then, a thin paste-like cereal should be taken
- Then, after getting a good appetite, normal food can be taken. However, avoid heavy foods and meat.
Who should not practise fasting?
Lean people with an under-weight-body and those who are suffering from TB should not observe fasting of any kind. They should observe restrictions in taking certain kinds of foods which do not agree with their constitution and physical condition.
Fasting when understood well and practised systematically is not just a physical discipline but a spiritual feast!Happy disease-free living!
Be blessed by the Divine!